Identity |
A11 |
Title |
Notification that following an inquest into the lands of Robert Furre in Heyden and London, the King has restored the whole of this estate to Constance, Robert's daughter and heir |
Beneficiary |
Constance daughter of Robert Furre (People) |
Date of issue |
2 April 1203 |
Place of issue |
Moulineux (Places) |
Archive |
Chelmsford, Essex Record Office D/DB T1437/2 - Reproduced by courtesy of the Essex Record Office |
Copies |
B = TNA C 66/2 (Patent Roll 4 John) m.2, s.xiii in. |
Seal |
Sealed sur double queue, 3 holes, only 2 holes used, pink, ?green and white cords, central portions of seal impression in light green wax. |
Enrolled |
TNA C 66/2 (Patent Roll 4 John) |
Printed |
(from B) RLP, 27b |
Scribes |
Comment |
Endorsed: carta regis Ioh(ann)is de ten(emento) redditu Constantie filie Roberti Furre in Haiden' (s.xiv); Ess' (s.xiv). Approx. 228 X 162 + 31mm. |
aIohannes Dei gratia rex Angl(ie) dominus Hybern(ie) dux Normann(ie) Aquit(anie) comes Andeg(auie) omnibus ad quos presens scriptum peruenerit salutem. a Sciatis quod facta inquisitione quam preceperamus fieri de terra que fuit Roberti bFurreb in Heydene et in cLondon'c, reddidimus Constancie filie et heredi predicti Roberti per iuditium curie nostre totam predictam terram sicut ius suum et hereditatem suam quam inquisitio predicta testabatur ipsum Robertum non dforisfecissed. Ipsa autem Constancia, suscepta plenaria seisina totius terre predicte, totum ius quod in ea habuit quietum clamauit Thome de eHeyden'e clerico nostro per quindecim marcas quas predictus Thomas eidem Constancie dedit ad se maritand(um), et per finem quem idem Thomas fecerat nob(is)cum pro ipsa Constancia. Ipsa tamen Constancia retinuit ad opus suum de eadem terra in villa de Heyden' unam virgatam terre, scilicet dimidiam virgatam que fuit Gwarini Palmar(ii) et dimidiam virgatam de dominico eiusdem terre. Hanc autem conuentionem et quietam clamantiam fecit predicta Constantia predicto Thome et heredibus suis de se et heredibus suis in perpetuum, saluo nob(is) seruitio nostro, coram venerabili patre nostro H(uberto) Cant' archiepiscopo et G(alfrido) filio Petri comit(e) Essex' iustic(iario) nostro et aliis fidelibus nostris tunc in curia nostra apud Westm' existentibus. Et ut hoc firmum et stabile permaneat in perpetuum, id per litteras nostras patentes protestamur. T(estibus) Galfrid(o) fil(io) Petri com(ite) fEssex'f, Will(elm)o Briwerr', Reginaldo de gCornhill' apud Mulinell'g ii. die April(is) anno regni nostri quarto.
aRex etc omnibus etc B bFurree B cLond' B dforifecisse B eHeidene B fEssex' etc B gCornhull apud Molinell' B
Notification that following an inquistion, which the king caused to be made concerning the land that was held by Robert Furre in Heydon and in London, the king has restored, by judgement of his court, to Constance, daughter and heir of the aforesadid Robert, the whole of the aforesaid land as her right and inheritance, because the inquisition found that Robert’s lands were not forfeit. Constance, having taken full seisin of the land, quitclaimed her right to the land to Thomas of Heydon, the king’s clerk, for 15 marks, which Thomas gave to Constance for her marriage, and for the fine that Thomas made with the king for Constance. Constance retained from that land for her own use one virgate of land in the vill of Heydon, namely the half virgate that was held by Warin Palmer and a half virgate of the demesne. This agreement and quit claim Constance made for Thomas and his heirs on behalf of herself and her heirs in perpetuity, saving the service due to the king, before Hubert archbishop of Canterbury and Geoffrey fitz Peter earl of Essex, Justiciar, and others of the king’s faithful men who were with the court at Westminster.