The Magna Carta Project

Invitation to the prior and monks of Christ Church Cathedral Priory, Canterbury, to return from exile



Invitation to the prior and monks of Christ Church Cathedral Priory, Canterbury, to return from exile


Canterbury, Christ Church Cathedral Priory (Institutions)

Date of issue

24 May 1213

Place of issue

Temple Ewell (Places)


Lambeth Palace Library ms. Cartae Antiquae XI.7 - Reproduced by courtesy of Lambeth Palace Library



Step to left hand side, as if thin tongue torn away, originally ?sur simple queue.





Endorsed: Littere I(ohannis) reg(is) de pace et securitate (s.xiii) monachorum ecclesie Cristi per ipsum exulatorum reddend' in Angliam (s.xiii); ii. (s.xiii); prior et mon(achis) (s.xiii, could be contemporary address on dorse).  Approx. 167 X 143mm. 

Cf. RLP, 98b-99, and Memoriale fratris Walteri de Coventria, ed. W. Stubbs, 2 vols. (London, 1872-73), ii, 211.

Photo of charter

I(ohannes) Dei gratia rex Angl(ie) dominus Hibern(ie) dux Norm(annie) Aquit(anie) com(es) And(egauie) dilectis sibi in Cristo priori et monach(is) ecclesie sancte Trinitatis Cant' salutem. Sciatis quod secundum formam mandati domini et venerabilis patris nostri I(nnocentii) Dei gratia summi pontificis, veram pacem ac plenam securitatem vob(is) prestamur necnon ceteris tam clericis quam laicis hoc negotium quod inter nos et ecclesiam Anglicanam versatum est contingentibus nec vos nec vestros ledemus vel ledi faciemus aut permittemus in personis vel rebus, vobisque dimittimus omnem indign(ati)onem et in gra(tia)m nostram vos recepimus et tenebimus bona fide, et quod vos non impediemus nec faciemus aut permittemus aliquatenus impediri quominus libere vestrum exsequamini off(i)c(iu)m et plena iurisdict(i)onis vestre auctoritate prout debetis utamini. Et super hiis vob(is) iuramenta et litteras patentes fidelium nostrorum venerabilium patruum domini H(enrici) Dublinens' archiepiscopi, P(etri) Winton' et I(ohannis) Norwic' episcoporum et preterea duodecim baronum nostrorum, scilic(et) G(alfridi) fil(ii) Petri comitis Essex' iusticiar(ii) nostri, R(eginaldi) com(itis) Bolon', R(anulfi) com(itis) Cestr', W(illelmi) Marescalli com(itis) Penbroc', W(illelmi) com(itis) Warenn', W(illelmi) com(itis) Arundell', W(illelmi) com(itis) de Ferrariis, Will(elm)i Briwere, Roberti de Ros, Gilleberti filii Reinfr(ed)i, Rogeri de Mortuomari, Petri fil(ii) Herberti fecimus exhiberi quod ipsi bona fide studebunt ut hec pax et securitas firmiter obseruetur. Et si forte quod Deus auertat per nos ipsos vel alios contrauenerimus, ipsi pro ecclesia contra violatores securitatis et pacis mandatis apostolicis inherebunt nos quod perpetuo ecclesiarum vacancium custodiam amittamus. Et ideo vos rogamus quatinus ad nos secure et sine dilatione in Angliam venire festinetis. Si quid au(tem) in hoc scripto obmissum vel nimus plene factum fuerit, cum in Angliam veneritis, secundum formam mandati apostolici perficietur. Et in huius rei testimonium has litteras nostras patentes vob(is) mittimus. T(estibus): domino H(enrico) Dublin' archiepiscopo, P(etro) Winton' ep(is)c(op)o, G(alfrido) fil(i)o Petri com(ite) Essex', W(illelmo) Marescallo com(ite) Pembroc' apud Templum de Ewell' xxiiii. die Maii anno regni nostri quintodecimo.


Notification that in line with the form ordered by Pope Innocent the king has offered true peace and full security to the prior and monks of the church of Holy Trinity Canterbury as well as other clerics and laymen concerning the trouble that arose between the king and the English Church, nor will the king injure or cause or permit to be injured the prior and monks or their people, whether their persons or possessions, and he abandons all indignation and receives them into his grace and will hold them in good faith, and he will neither impede them nor cause or permit them to be impeded in any way in the free execution of their office and the enjoyment of the full authority of their jurisdiction. And concerning these things the king has caused his faithful men to provide oaths and letters patent to the abbot and monks guaranteeing that they will strive to ensure that this peace and security be firmly observed: Henry archbishop of Dublin, Peter bishop of Winchester, John bishop of Norwich, and twelve of the king’s barons, namely Geoffrey fitz Peter earl of Essex and justiciar, Reginald count of Bologne, Ranulph earl of Chester, William Marshal earl of Pembroke, William earl Warenne, William earl of Arundel, William earl Ferrers, William Brewer, Robert de Ros, Gilbert fitz Reinfrey, Roger de Mortemer, Peter fitz Herbert. And if perchance, God forbid, the king breaks this promise himself or by others, these men shall on behalf of the Church adhere to apostolic mandates against violators of the security and peace so that the king will lose in perpetuity custody of vacant churches. And therefore the king asks the abbot and monks to make haste to come safely to him in England without delay.

Original Charters of King John