The Magna Carta Project

Notification of the King's confirmation to the men of Chester of liberties in Ireland




Notification of the King's confirmation to the men of Chester of liberties in Ireland


Men of Chester (People)

Date of issue

3 May 1201

Place of issue

Marlborough (Places)


Chester, Cheshire Archives CH/6 - Reproduced by courtesy of Cheshire Archives and Local Studies


B = Ibid. CHB/2 (Pentice Cartulary) fo.30r, copy from A, 1576


Sealed sur double queue, pink cords through a complicated arrangement of 5 slits, central portion of seal impression in natural wax varnished reddish brown.



(from A) R.H. Morris, Chester in the Plantagenet and Tudor Reigns (Chester 1893), 485 no.7



Endorsed: libertas in Hibern(ia) (s.xiii); carta Ioh(ann)is (s.xv); various post-medieval endorsements.  Approx. 185 X 115 + 35mm.

Photo of charter

Iohannes Dei gratia rex Angl(ie) dominus Hybernie dux Norm(annie) Aquit(anie) comes Andeg(auie) omnibus iustic(iis), constab(u)l(ariis) et aliis ball(iuis) et fidelibus suis de tota Hybernia salutem.  Sciatis nos concessisse et presenti carta nostra confirmasse ciuibus de Cestr' omnes libertates et liberas consuetudines quas habere consueuerunt in terra nostra de Hybernia tempore domini regis Henr(ici) patris nostri et i(de)o vob(is) precipimus quod omnes illas libertates et liberas consuetudines eis habere permittatis sic(ut) carta domini reg(is) patris nostri rationabiliter testatur quod habere debeant et vob(is) firmiter prohibemus ne super hoc eos in aliquo vexetis vel aliquam iniuriam vel molestiam eis in(de) faciatis vel fieri permittatis sic(ut) carta nostra quam eis fecimus dum e(ss)emus comes Moreton' rationabiliter testatur.  T(estibus) H(erberto) Sarr' ep(iscop)o, G(alfrido) fil(io) Petri com(ite) Essex', Will(el)mo Marescall(o), Hug(one) Bard', Symon(e) de Pateshull', Rad(ulfo) de Stok', Eustac(hio) de Fauc(un)berg'.  Dat' per man(um) S(imonis) Well' archid(iaconi) ap(ud) Merleberge, iii. die Maii anno regni nostri tercio.


Notification that the king has granted and in the present charter confirmed to the townspeople of Chester all the liberties and free customers that they were accustomed to have in Ireland in the time of King Henry II, as is reasonably set out in the charter that the king made when he was Count of Mortain.

Original Charters of King John