The Magna Carta Project

Notification of the King's grant to the men of Dunwich of free borough status with confirmation of liberties




Notification of the King's grant to the men of Dunwich of free borough status with confirmation of liberties


Men of Dunwich (People)

Date of issue

29 June 1199

Place of issue

Roche-d’Orival, France (Places)


B = PRO C 52/4 (Cartae Antiquae Roll D) no.29, s.xiii in.


(from B) The Cartae Antiquae Rolls 1-10, ed. L. Landon, Pipe Rolls Society n.s. xvii (1939), i, 69 no.128



Iohannes De gratia rex Anglie dominus Ybernie dux Normannie Aquitanie comes Andegauie archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, baronibus, iusticiariis, vicecomitibus, prepositis et omnibus bailliuis et fidelibus suis salutem.  Sciatis nos dedisse, concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse <burgensibus nostris de> Dunewiz quod burgum Dunewiz sit liberum burgum nostrum et habeat socham et sacham et toll et theam et infangenetheof et quod ipsi per totam terram nostram sint quieti de theloneo et lestagio et passagio et pontagio <et stalagio et de leue et de> danegeld' et quod ipsi rectam et solitam firmam suam per manum suam reddant ad scaccarium nostrum et quod nullam sectam faciant comitatuum vel hundredorum nisi coram iusticiariis nostris et cum summoniti fuerint esse coram iusticiariis <mittant pro se xii. legales> homines de burgo suo qui sint pro eis omnibus et si forte amerciari debuerint per vi. probos homines de burgo suo amercientur.  Concessimus etiam eis quod filios et filias suas possint libere ubi voluerint in terra nostra maritare <et viduas similiter per consilium amicorum suorum> et perquisitiones suas de terris et edificiis in villa sua possint dare aut vendere aut facere inde quod voluerint et quando voluerint.  Concessimus etiam eis hansam et gildam mercatoriam sicut habere consueuerunt.  Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus quod predicti burgenses nostri prenominatas libertates et liberas consuetudines habeant et teneant libere, pacifice et integre sine omni impedimento.  Testibus: E(ustachio) Elyensi episcopo, Willelmo Marescallo comite Penbrok, Iohanne Pratellis, Gari..... Data per manum H(uberti) Cantuariensis archiepiscopi cancellarii nostri apud Rupem Auriuall' xxxix. die Iunii anno regni nostri primo.


Notificaiton that the king has granted to the burgesses of Dunwich that the burgh of Dunwich shall be a free burgh, held at the customary farm, and that they will owe no suit to the county or  hundred court except before royal justices, and when they are summoned before royal justices they will send 12 law-worthy men of the burgh to represent them, and any amercement will be made by 6 prudent men of the burgh; that their sons, daughters and widows may marry freely where they wish in the king’s lands; that they may give or sell the perquisites of their lands and buildlings as and when they will; that they may have hanse and guild merchant as they are accustomed.  

Charters not found in surviving rolls