Identity |
B183 |
Title |
Notification of the King’s grant of the chancery to Walter de Gray to hold for the term of Walter’s life |
Beneficiary |
Walter de Gray (bishop of Worcester 1214-1215; archbishop of York post Nov 1215-1255) (People) |
Date of issue |
2 October 1205 |
Place of issue |
Nottingham (Places) |
Sources |
B = PRO C 52/26 (Cartae Antiquae Roll BB) no.22, s.xiii in. |
Printed |
Comment |
Cf. RC, 158b |
Ioh(ann)es Dei gratia rex Angl(ie) etc. Sciatis nos dedisse, concessisse et presenti carta nostra confirmasse dilecto et fideli nostro Waltero de Grai cancelariam nostram cum omnibus pertinentiis suis habendam et tenendam bene et in pace quamdiu vixerit. Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus quod predictus Walterus habeat et teneat predictam cancellariam cum omnibus pertinentiis suis bene et in pace quamdiu vixerit sicut predictum est. Hiis testibus: I(ohanne) Norwic’ episcopo, Galfr(ido) fil(io) Petri com(ite) Essex’. Dat’ per manum nostram apud Notingeham secundo die Octobr(is) anno regni nostri viiº.
Notification that the king has granted to Walter de Gray the chancery to hold for his lifetime.